3D bone printing

We are part of a research team at Med Uni Graz that aims to develop additive manufacturing processes that enable the production of patient-specific implants for various medical applications directly in the clinic.

Eventually, a medical 3D printing center will be established in Graz. In the project, we perform simulations on FEM models of human structures (thorax, upper arm, skull) based on patient-specific imaging data (CT, MRI, …) and determine the stiffness of the bone and cartilaginous structures in order to subsequently design implants that have similar properties.

As a result of our work, we are able to cite the successful performance of measurements on ribs and cartilage in early 2020 at Meduni Graz to determine the mechanical properties of human cartilage tissue and the rib-vertebral joints. The development of the implants is currently in progress.


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Dr. Wolfgang Krach

+43 1 974 89 91-11