

As a member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (section consulting engineers), we are authorized to give an expert report acc. to §134 Industrial Code (GewO).

In addition to this, CAE Simulation & Solutions is able to assign a sworn and certified authorized expert (Dr. Wolfgang Krach resp. Dr. Walter Vonach- allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger) to give an expertise for the selected branches:

60 Machinery, plant, equipment, instruments

60.25 – Other machines, equipment
Only for: finite elements
Only for: mechanical aspects, strength and fatigue

60.26 – Strength calculations, finite elements

60.37 Amusement rides, machines, amusement park installations
Only for: mechanical aspects, strength and fatigue of rail-bound amusement park installations

60.38 – Cranes, hoists, conveyors, racking systems
Only for: Racking systems

60.75 – Rail vehicles, cable cars, chair lifts, drag lifts
Only for: Rail vehicles

72 Construction engineering

72.07 – Statics
Only for: finite elements calculations in steel construction, plant engineering, mechanical engineering


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Dr. Wolfgang Krach

+43 1 974 89 91-11
vonach neu web 0

Dr. Walter Vonach

+43 1 974 89 91-13