Knee prosthesis
This projected concerned the calculation of the loading of an implant in vivo, meaning the healed condition of the bone (Tibia).
The entire Bone-Implant-System was modelled for this. The loading on the implant while standing and walking as well as for various implant designs was analyzed.
The image depicts the perceived best solution for the implant design which was taken from the calculations. Today, the non-bonded knee endo-prosthesis is in routine clinical use (Orthopedic department of the pulmology center of the city of Vienna).
The prosthesis is used with (relatively) young patients, which do not require a large amount of bone resectioning. If required later, an additional (larger) bonded implant can be used to maintain the mobility of the patient.
The calculated stress in the Titanium component as well as the Polyethylen component of the implant are depicted.