Straight to series production: By using state-of-the-art simulation methods, weak points can be identified earlier, development time can be significantly reduced, and product quality can be massively increased. Knowledge of the mechanical and fluidic properties of structures is essential as early as the conception phase of a project. As a “virtual test laboratory”, simulation provides the following valuable results in advance:

  • Does the product meet the requirements?
  • Where is there still potential for improvement?
  • What are the weak points?
  • At what point can fatigue damage be expected?
  • Where can material, energy and costs be saved without risk?

Your benefits

We offer you:

  • Free initial discussion for project clarification
  • Short-term availability and completion on schedule
  • Competent and individual support by the management during the entire project duration
  • Knowledge gain, solutions and approaches for further development – not only calculation results

For your projects, rely on our many years of broad experience and a motivated, experienced team. You save money and time!


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Dr. Walter Vonach

+43 1 974 89 91-13